Friday, March 1, 2024

Lions Club Makes a Difference

The Hinckley Lions Club appreciates this opportunity to speak in the Royal blog about our passion.  We are a group of women and men that are part of an international organization with over 1.4 million members who have a common aim to work together to strengthen our communities and make the world better. 

Our club formed in 1970 and in the ensuring 54 years has become a “go to” source of help for the school and nearly every organization in the community.  Our assistance can be advice, financial support or plenty of hands and feet.

Over the years we have provided labor and finances for a school fitness trail, playground equipment, tennis court, and park benches.  We find great satisfaction in providing a Peace Poster Art Contest for Middle School students and celebration picnic for elementary students at the end of a successful school year.  With Easter just around the corner we prepare an Easter Egg hunt with thousands of plastic eggs filled with candy, money and a few golden eggs that are redeemed for Easter gift baskets. 

Lions have been called “Knights for the deaf and blind” since they accepted Helen Keller’s call to help treat and prevent vision and hearing loss.  We partner with the Big Rock Lions Club to fund glasses for needy students who have been identified by the school district.  We also recycle glasses, hearing aids and other items for people in developing areas of the world.  A collection box for these items is provided outside of the Hinckley Public Library.

Then there are outdoor experiences and camps supported by Lions for those with physical disabilities.  The Lions Fishing Derby at the Shabbona Lake State Park each July provides fishing, boat rides, a petting zoo, and tours of the park for a day outing.  Camp Lions provides a week-long experience for those with physical limitations to experience nature and increased self confidence with their disability.

Our biggest investment each year provides scholarships for HBR students to continue their education.  We manage three scholarships for graduates-- some to attend two years at a community college or trade school.  We will hold a scholarship pancake breakfast on Sunday, March 3 to raise funds to continue these monetary awards.  

Come to the high school cafeteria this Sunday between 7:30 and 11:30 for pancakes & sausage or biscuits & gravy.  The meals can be eaten at the school, taken home, or delivered to your home if you are elderly or home bound.  Call Shar (630-800-0742) to arrange delivery.  While at the school, you can get a quick, free eye exam to alert you to the need for a more detailed exam.

The Hinckley Lions Club also supports Lions International efforts to reduce childhood cancer, eliminate hunger, treat diabetes, and restore our environment.  Millions of dollars are invested into research and treatment of these causes each year, including projects right here in Hinckley. 

The Lions Club invites you to join one of our newest members, Elementary School Principal Deb Hervey (center), in our journey of service.  Participate in just one activity or more depending on your available time.  Together we can have fun as we make our community a better place to raise a family, work, and enjoy life. 

Follow us on Facebook and in the Hinckley Update monthly newsletter for details about upcoming activities.  Contact Secretary for more information.

Written By: Bob Pritchard, Past President of the Hinckley Lions Club